ROUX Sébastien

Mail : sebastien.roux at


Environmental Modeling, Applied Mathematics

Current Research Activities

1- Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis
  • We develop generic methods and algorithms for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of environmental and agricultural models. We specifically deal with two challenging issues: complex outputs (e.g. time series or spatial maps) and complex inputs (involving weather time series at daily time step).
  • Main collaborators: S.Buis (INRAE-Emmah), P. Loisel (INRAE-Mistea), F.Brun (ACTA)
  • Selected Publications:
    • Roux, S., Loisel, P., & Buis, S. Maximizing Regional Sensitivity Analysis indices to find sensitive model behaviors. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, in Press, pdf
    • Tarraf, B., Brun, F., Raynaud, L., Roux, S., Zhang, Y., Davadan, L., & Deudon, O. (2024). Assessing the impact of weather forecast uncertainties in crop water stress model predictions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 349, 109934. pdf
    • Roux, S., Loisel, P., & Buis, S. (2019). A filter-based approach for global sensitivity analysis of models with functional inputs. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 187, 119-128. pdf
2- Spatial application of crop models for Precision Agriculture
  • We investigate the use of crop model (vineyard and wheat crop models) at a within field scale for Agricultural Precision. This application raises questions on calibration, evaluation and inverse modeling.
  • Main collaborators: B. Tisseyre (Institut Agro- ITAP), J.Taylor (INRAE-ITAP), D.Pasquel (INRAE-ITAP), Y.Zhang (Institut Agro- ITAP)
  • Selected Publications:
    • Pasquel, D., Cammarano, D., Roux, S., Castrignanò, A., Tisseyre, B., Rinaldi, M., ... & Taylor, J. A. (2023). Downscaling the APSIM crop model for simulation at the within-field scale. Agricultural Systems, 212, 103773. pdf
    • Zhang, Y., Pichon, L., Roux, S., Pellegrino, A., Simonneau, T., & Tisseyre, B. (2024). Why make inverse modeling and which methods to use in agriculture? A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 217, 108624. pdf
    • Roux, S., Gaudin, R., & Tisseyre, B. (2019). Why does spatial extrapolation of the vine water status make sense? Insights from a modelling approach. Agricultural water management, 217, 255-264. pdf
3- Optimal Control for crop irrigation
  • We study the added value of using the optimal control theory on a simple crop model to find optimal feedback irrigation strategies (irrigation amount at any time during a crop's growing season). The optimisation is carried out with a constraint (quota) on the total amount of availbale water.
  • Main collaborators: A.Rapaport (INRAE-Mistea), B. Cheviron (INRAE-GEAU), Ruben Chenevat (INRAE-Mistea)
  • Selected Publications:
    • Haddon, A., Rapaport, A., Roux, S., & Harmand, J. (2023). Model based optimization of fertilization with treated wastewater reuse. Advances in Water Resources, 181, 104561., pdf
    • Boumaza, K., Kalboussi, N., Rapaport, A., Roux, S., & Sinfort, C. (2021). Optimal control of a crop irrigation model under water scarcity. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 42(6), 1612-1631. pdf


  • Since 2017: Research Engineer at INRAE (UMR MISTEA, Montpellier, France)
    •   Mathematical and numerical methods for environmental and agricultural models
  • 2008-2016: Research Engineer at INRA (UMR SYSTEM, Montpellier, France)
    • Crop models development and analysis (Agroforestry, Intercropped vineyards)
  • 2005-2008: Research Scientist at Philips Research Paris, France
    • Medical images (Ultrsound & Xray) denoising and enhancement
  • 2001-2004: PhD Student at CEA LETI, Grenoble, France (Dir. by Pierre Grangeat and Laurent Desbat)
    • Dynamic model for tomography - Application to cardiac imaging  pdf


  • 2004 - PhD in Applied Mathematics  (Université Joseph Fourier- Grenoble- France)
  • 2001 - Engineer and Master degree in Applied Mathematics (ENSIMAG: French "Grande Ecole" on Informatics, Applied Mathematics, and Telecommunications)

Publication List